Thursday, November 6, 2008


Sometimes I think churches and christians thrive on fear. It doesn't matter that the Bible promises "perfect peace". Fear keeps people motivated to follow the rules of the group they are part of so the group continues to find ways to incite fear in it's followers.

This election had a lot of that. Fear that McCain would push the country into another world war. Fear that Obama was the anti-christ. How much validity is there to either claim? Not much. But say it loud enough, attach some vague Bible passages to your ranting, and say it often enough and people will equate the person with what you are saying and fear their election.

But it's not just about elections. People can fear that if they go to a particular theme park they will be supporting evil. They can fear that if they listen to particular music the devil will take over their soul. They can fear that certain books or types of entertainment will make them unclean. Fear, fear, fear.

What's really sad is that God doesn't control through fear. It's just some people who purport to show people God that try to. Unfortunately sometimes they're the only "God" that is seen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God's Will

Churches give lip service to wanting God's will. With this election some are now saying "God is still in control" as though they need to be reminded of that. Maybe it's time to truly believe that God *is* in control and that the results of the elections, whether they are what you personally would prefer or not, are exactly what God has willed for us. We don't have to understand God's will; we just have to accept it.

True acceptance of God's will means not working against it. That means no preaching about how awful the world has suddenly become. No preaching about how the anti-christ is now walking in the White House. No preaching about how quickly the end of the world is coming "just look around you." It does mean praying that the Lord will use the Servant God has chosen to lead the country. It means allowing God to do whatever is best for this country without complaining because the Lord chose something different than what you thought was best. Amazing how we think we know better than God!! What arrogance!